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Children's Activities


Caterpillars is a Baby and Toddler Group which meets 9.45-11.15 on Thursdays in term time. It is suitable for tiny babies up to children preparing for school. There is a small charge of £1 per pre-school family attending.  We have plenty of toys and craft, snack time and singing. All welcome. We'd love to see you there.







ROCK KIDZ is a fun children's club for primary school aged children which is based at Coastlands Family church every Wednesday night. We play games, listen to a story and make a craft to take home. 


Rock Kidz runs from 6:00 - 7:00pm and all Primary school aged children are very welcome to come along and join us for a fun filled hour. 









Sunday Morning - COASTERS

We also have two groups on Sunday mornings, for 2-11 year olds.  Following a time of worship with the Church family, the children go to Coasters (or young Coasters for the 2-5 year olds), where they have an opportunity to pray, listen to a story and create some craft. 



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